Come over to Gardiner (Yellowstone's north entrance) to float the Yellowstone River, a scenic gem. Half-day trips, whitewater add-on, and horseback and dining choices too.
Family Fun on the gorgeous Gallatin River. Offering various options from very mild to some whitewater. Skilled & Knowledgeable Guides, free wetsuits, dining options too.
Come through Yellowstone Park to Gardiner to enjoy a 6-mile scenic rafting trip on the Yellowstone River you'll talk about for years. Offered 3x daily, see times and rates.
Our scenic floats take place in the Paradise Valley north of Gardiner MT (north park entrance) on the Yellowstone River. Truly magnificent scenery, wildlife and landscapes.
All of our float trips are 100% inside Grand Teton Park. We have more than 30 years experience helping people enjoy nature along the Snake River. Half-Day trips for families.